
What to Do When Your Cat Brings You a ‘Gift’ – Victor

elephants and peanuts. chimpanzees and bananas. cats and mice.

Are these stereotypes? Maybe, but some things in the animal kingdom seem to go together. Still, despite cats having an age-old rivalry with their rodent friends, many cat owners still wonder: Do cats eat mice?

The answer might surprise you! While you’re wondering that question, we’ll also share some tips for the next time your cat decides to honor you with a nicely placed “gift” on your front porch. If you’re wondering what to do if your cat brings you a “gift”, read below to find out what to do next.

pursue versus kill

to the questions in question. Do cats eat birds and mice? the answer is no. cats are definitely talented hunters and, yes, killers of small rodents, but they generally don’t eat what they kill.

The chances of your cat catching a mouse are much higher than the chances of your cat eating its prey. wild cats sometimes eat mice and even some small birds and frogs, but it’s not that common. cats kill mice for a variety of possible reasons. here are some of them:

  1. Your cat can bring you these tributes because he wants to teach you how to hunt. that’s a theory, anyway. Because they are social creatures, cats may be preoccupied with the rather underdeveloped hunting instincts of humans, and by bringing in dead animals, they may be trying to show us how it’s done.
  2. cats sometimes kill mice because they feel charitable and want to give their owner a gift. for this reason, you shouldn’t scold your cat when he does it; After all, would you like to be scolded for giving a gift?
  3. ultimately, your cat catching a mouse could be nothing more than instinct at work, without any premeditation or particular motives involved. this is probably the most common reason cats engage in this behavior. as we’ve learned, cats’ formidable hunting instincts have been preserved for the past few hundred years, and these are hard habits to break.
  4. This can be hard behavior to deal with if you’re squeamish. the small amount of good news is that your cat will surely be more interested in chasing the mice than eating them. given that, you don’t have to worry too much about them losing their taste for their usual croquettes and snacks.

    what to do if your cat brings home dead animals

    Knowing that your cat is on the lookout for rodents and snakes loose in your home or yard is comforting. but here’s what to do if they decide to bring you in and bury the dead rodent in your bed as a special treat for you.

    1. Keep the cat out of the room when cleaning. you don’t want the cat picking up the mice to play hide-and-seek while you grab the bleach and cleaning gloves.
    2. wear rubber or plastic gloves before picking up the dead mouse and placing it in a plastic bag. tie the bag so no air can get out and place it in a trash can in the garage or outside for trash day.
    3. if the mouse was placed on a hardwood surface, countertop, or no carpet, use a disinfectant (make sure it’s safer for wood if you plan to clean hardwood floors) or a bleach mixture (1 part bleach to 10 parts water).
    4. If the mouse was on fabric, steam or shampoo any upholstered furniture and rugs. wash bedding or clothing in laundry detergent and hot water (check clothing labels to make sure they can be in hot water).
    5. take care of mice so your cat doesn’t have to

      There are other ways to eliminate mice with less stress and easier, less scary cleanup than having your cat find the problem pests. Some easy ways to keep mice out of your home are:

      • regular cleaning
      • check the perimeter of the house
      • seal holes and screens
      • inspect the boxes you bring home
      • keep spaces ventilated and dry
      • store food in airtight containers
      • Another way to completely rid your home of rodents is to implement traps. From live traps to the original snap traps, there are a variety of solutions when it comes to getting rid of your mouse and rat problem. By providing efficient ways to eliminate pests from your home, while also implementing solutions that prevent them from getting inside in the first place, victor® has it all.

        cats will be cats!

        I hope you enjoyed this brief glimpse into the minds and motivations of our four-legged friends. If your cat isn’t getting the job done, our traps will! Also be sure to sign up for our email newsletter for the latest product updates and expert advice.

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